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About Townview Clinic
Townview Magnet Center
The Townview Well Clinic serves all Townview Magnet Center staff and students. The clinic is located on the second floor in the clinic suite (Room 228) and is open from 8:30am-4:35pm on school days. The clinic is a designated safe space for all students. The clinic staff can administer medication, assess and treat injuries, provide care to special needs students, respond to medical emergencies, assist with mental health issues and provide education on health and wellness.
The Townview Well Clinic works closely with the Attendance Offices to ensure students’ attendance, absence, and credits are excused and coded appropriately.
Medical Appointments
Students who have medical appointments should bring a note from the doctor and submit it to their school office.
Temporary Illness
Students who miss school due to temporary illness need to turn in an excuse note signed by a guardian or a doctor’s excuse note to their school office.
If your child is not feeling well, your pediatrician is the best person to consult about whether they can go to school. Common sense, concern for your child's well-being, and the possibility of infecting classmates should all contribute to the decision about whether your child should stay home.
Please keep your student home if:
- They have a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit within the past 24 hours
- They have had episodes of vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
- They are not well enough to participate in class.
Students enrolling in the Dallas Independent School District for the first time must provide evidence of required immunizations. Official records from a physician or health clinic, which provide documentation of current immunizations, are required. All immunizations should be completed by the first date of attendance. The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against specified diseases. A list of immunizations required for the 2024-2025 school year can be found HERE.
Exemptions from Immunizations
Exemptions from immunization requirements may be granted on a medical basis or for reasons of conscience. Exemption for reasons of conscience must be submitted on an affidavit provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Exemption for reason of conscience is granted for two years.
Provisional Enrollment for Missing Immunizations
A student may be enrolled provisionally if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by this rule. To remain enrolled, the student must complete the required subsequent doses in each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school.
NOTE: A school nurse will review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination. If, at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until required dose is administered.
Submitting Immunizations
Please submit all immunizations to the student’s school office or to the clinic.
Parents of students who have medical conditions should report these online during enrollment registration.
All Townview Clinic forms can be found HERE.
In the event of a medical emergency on campus, the clinic staff are trained to respond accordingly. Medical emergencies include, but are not limited to seizure, diabetic complications, severe injury, asthma attack, and suspected substance intoxication.
If your student has a history of a medical condition that may require emergent medical care contact the school nurse to discuss an Emergency Care Plan for school.
Prescription Medication on Campus
If students need to take medication on campus, parents need to complete a Medication Authorization Release Form, which is required by the district. If your student requires and epi-pen or an inhaler and would like to carry it on campus, parents need to complete a Medication Authorization Release form for Anaphylaxis Medication. All medication authorization forms are only valid for one year and must be renewed yearly. Medications may be dropped off or picked up during clinic hours by a parent, guardian, or an adult on the student’s emergency contact list. Medications must be in the original prescription bottle or, if it is available as an over-the-counter medication, the original container. Medications left after the last day of school will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of.
Medication is securely stored in the clinic and is available to students according to the physician’s orders. The form is also available in the clinic. No medications other than authorized inhalers or epi-pens are allowed to be carried by students on a Dallas ISD campus.
Pre-Approved Medications Available for Administration
The school nurse is allowed to give Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and aloe vera gel to students who have written and verbal consent from a parent or guardian. Written consent can be submitted during open enrollment/registration. Pre-Approved OTC medication will not be administered more than once a day, for more than 3 consecutive weeks, or more than 3 times in a month.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be given for fever of 101℉ or greater.
Ibuprofen may be given for menstrual cramps or sports related injuries.
Aloe Vera gel may be applied for dry skin, itchy skin without drainage, or sunburns.
*Tylenol and Ibuprofen are NOT given for headaches or migraines.*
If your child gets headaches and/or migraines frequently, please complete a Medication Authorization Release Form. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and any over-the-counter medications.
The clinic is a designated safe space for students in crisis, including LGBTQIA+ students and students dealing with mental illness. Students who are experiencing anxiety, depression, panic, symptoms of ADHD, etc. are always welcome to decompress and process in the clinic until they are well enough to be taken to their counselors for further evaluation. The nurse is available to help students process through physical symptoms and will refer students to a school counselor if they need further assistance.
The clinic staff are required to complete state mandated health screenings for students that are new to Dallas ISD and those requiring updated 504 or Special Education accommodations. It is required that high school students receive a vision screening, hearing screening, and a health appraisal. If a student fails the vision or hearing screening, they will be retested within 2-4 weeks. Students who fail the rescreening will be referred to a specialist.
Dallas ISD has a Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Program (TPPP) for students who are pregnant and/or parenting while they are enrolled in school. You can learn more about the program HERE. Dallas ISD provides each school with a social worker who visits campus as needed. The social worker checks in with our TPPP students to ensure they are receiving the support, supplies, and care they need during pregnancy. The social worker establishes a relationship with each parenting student and checks up on them periodically to provide the support they need.
For more information about Dallas ISD Health Services and their partnerships click HERE.